Astro B.yond: Software updates & rebooting

Once every 5 minutes we send a signal to all the B.yond decoders which lets them know what the latest software version is. Your decoder can only act upon this signal if it receives it while in standby mode,  so when you aren’t watching anything be sure to put your decoder in standby. The LED panel of the B.yond decoder displays the time when it is in standby.

All you need to do to update  your software is to put the decoder into standby mode and wait. It will do everything for you. Once the process  finishes the time will return to the display on the decoder and you can now turn the decoder on.

Software updates

If you turn the decoder to standby every night you will be ensuring that you are running the latest software version.

Software updates get released to fix bugs and enable new features. You can only get an update if you put the decoder in standby mode and wait till it receives our blast telling it to update. This could be up to 5 minutes.

Once the decoder receives the blast it can take another 5 minutes to run through the updating process. You know when it is finished this process once the time displays on the LED on the B.yond decoder.

An example of a bug fixed by letting the decoder do a software update is the “Copy Protection Failed” error message appearing on some peoples TV’s. This was an HDCP issue that we have corrected.

NB:We will be releasing version notes on our website shortly so you can track what is happening on our software updates


It hasn’t happened to me yet but if your box hangs you can reboot it by simply turning the power off at the wall socket, wait a few seconds and power on again.

Its important to note that a reboot is not a software update. Leave your decoder in standby after turning the power on and if it needs to it will perform the software update as described above.

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